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/ The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 1 / The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume I (Data Express)(1992).ISO / wp / foldr4wp.zip

Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Image (1)  |  Document (1)  |  Text (17)  |  Other (8)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
MANUAL.ZIP PKZip Archive 1 31KB 1991-08-17

Images (1)

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
SAMPLE.MRG WordPerfect document 1 2KB 1991-08-18

Text (17)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ALTQ.MAC Text File 3 5b 1989-11-14
AUTOINST.BAT DOS Batch File 56 1KB 1991-08-17
FOLDERS.HLP Text File 177 8KB 1991-08-09
FOLDERS.SHW Text File 26 2KB 1991-08-10
MAILLIST.HLP Text File 211 9KB 1991-08-09
MANUAL.DOC Text File 380 20KB 1991-08-17
README.1ST Text File 18 1KB 1991-08-17
REGISTER.DOC Text File 42 3KB 1991-08-11
WP4.DEF Text File 231 7KB 1989-11-08
WP4LOGIC.BAT DOS Batch File 8 78b 1989-11-14
WP5.DEF Text File 287 8KB 1989-01-20
WP5LOGIC.BAT DOS Batch File 8 78b 1989-09-28
WPAD.BAT DOS Batch File 4 12b 1989-03-07
WPADFOLD.BAT DOS Batch File 5 63b 1989-11-10
WPM.BAT DOS Batch File 7 69b 1989-10-19
WPSTART.BAT DOS Batch File 6 79b 1990-06-28
WPSTOP.BAT DOS Batch File 3 19b 1989-11-14

Other Files (8)
FOLDERS.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 110KB 1991-08-10
MAILLIST.OVR MS-DOS/Windows Executable 109KB 1991-08-18
UNZ.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 11KB 1991-08-14
ALTQ.WPM WordPerfect Macro File 745b 1991-06-22
ALTX.WPM WordPerfect Macro File 1KB 1991-06-21
SAVEQUIT.WPM WordPerfect Macro File 93b 1991-08-05
WP4.MNU Unknown 2KB 1989-11-14
WP5.MNU Unknown 3KB 1989-11-14